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School Expectations


Our school is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) school.  PBIS is a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support.  PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.

Our work is guided by three expectations:

  • Be Responsible
  • Be Respectful      
  • Be Safe

Shore Acres students recite daily the Pledge of Respect.

Pledge of Respect I am a smart, special, and valuable person. I respect myself and I respect others. My words and actions are kind and honest. I accept only the best in all that I do. I am proud to be me!

Students are expected to follow school-wide rules:  

1.            Come to school on time and be prepared to do your best work.

2.            Treat all people with respect.

3.            Show kindness with your words and actions and speak appropriately at all times.

4.            Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

5.            Be in your assigned area at all times.

6.            No gang behavior of any kind is tolerated.

7.            Do your best to follow directions the first time given.  

In addition to these school-wide rules, there are specific behavior expectations for the playground, multi-use room, bathrooms, and hallways. There are also classroom rules posted by each teacher that are aligned with the school-wide rules. Your child’s classroom teacher will inform you of these rules. Please review them with your child and help them make positive behavior choices.

Shore acres Behavior expectations